The 2nd Workshop on Inclusive and Equitable Smart Environments invites students, researchers and practitioners doing research in the field of smart environments that support social wellbeing to submit papers (completed research and work in process) for consideration to be presented at the conference. Graduate students are encouraged to participate in the workshop to present their work in progress.
Submissions are solicited, but not limited to, in the following topics:
Contributions must be original, not published, or sent for review to another conference or journal.
The paper title, as well as the abstract, has to be written in English, and the body of the paper either in English or Spanish. We encourage authors to write their papers in English.
The length of the paper is limited between 4 and 6 pages using the "Avances en Interacción Humano-Computadora" journal Template.
Authors should note that changes to the author list after the submission deadline are not allowed without permission from the Workshop Organizers.
At least one author of each accepted paper is required to register for, attend, and present the work at the conference or the paper will not appear in the conference proceedings.
The contributions have to be submitted via email to the account
Evaluation criteriaPapers will be peer-reviewed by members of the workshop Program Committee. The evaluation mechanism will be anonymous, so the document sent for evaluation should not contain any information about the author(s). Ongoing research will be accepted as long as the manuscript addresses a clearly justified problem, includes preliminary results, and discusses the challenges addressed and the open areas of opportunity.
Important datesThe 1st Workshop on Inclusive and Equitable Smart Environments will have oral presentations to the accepted papers, poster exhibition and an invited talk.
For any questions or comments, write to the organizers